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FlipIt Beacon Games

The FlipIt Drone Beacon is a gadget that lets you to play games with your Drone.
It’s especially cool because it lets you play head-to-head with other drones.

The FlipIt has a multi-colored LED beacon and a smart “Drone Listener” that can sense when a drone passes nearby. When a drone gets close, the FlipIt will pulse and color-flip the LED beacon. It can act as a simple “Race Gate”, or it can be a “Flag” that can be captured by competing drones.

Here are some basic games you can play. 


Basic race course: Single Drone race timing.

Instead of using hoops and flags for race gates, place a FlipIt at each virtual gate location. Now when you fly the course, you goal is to flip the beacon color as you pass each gate. If you don’t flip it, you weren’t close enough. This is great for day or night flying.


Capture the Flag: Competition for an even number of Drones.

Each FlipIt represents a flag which can be either Red or Blue. Distribute an even number of FlipIt’s around a room or flight zone. Set half the flags to Red and half to Blue. Each alliance tries to change all the flags to their alliance color. Start a match timer for 2 minutes. All drones start at the same time, fly until the timer expires, at which point everyone must land. The winning alliance is the one with the most flags in their color.

Variations of this game:
- Place pairs of FlipIt’s in different locations (eg: inside hoops or under tables), and assign points for each flag based on location difficulty.
- Set all the FlipIt’s to be the same color and time how long it takes to flip them all. 


Race for the Flag: Competition for pairs of Drones.

Each FlipIt represents a race marker which can be either Red or Blue. Distribute an even number of FlipIt’s around a track circuit. Set one half of the track to Red and the other half to Blue. Start two drones on the track, each one located at end of their color flag grouping. The goal is for the drones to race around the track, attempting to set all the flags to their color. Start a match timer for 2 minutes. Both drones start at the same time, fly until the timer expires, at which point they must land. The winning drone is the one with the most flags in their color.